Sunday, August 30, 2009

How was the first week?

Good, quite good. I am enjoying the job - the people I am working with are really great, and it is actually nice to be back to work and using my brain again. I keep telling my coworkers how quiet it seems to me in the office, and they think I am saying that the workload is light. "Oh, just wait until tax time!" they say. But I mean it is quiet, like, no one is screaming, no TV's are blaring, no toy trucks are roaring. You can hear a pin drop in that place.

The boys are adjusting quite well so far. Riley was in a "camp" at the YMCA last week, and this week he will be with Nini and Poppy. The next week he will be in 1st grade! Levi is already doing preschool all day - he is the easy one to take care of, at least this year. And boy, our evenings are short. By the time I pick them up and get home, if I fly, it is 5:30, and they are supposed to be in bed by 7:30! It is barely time to fix and feed them dinner - God knows how we will ever get any of their homework done. Or anything else, for that matter.
I have decided one photo per post is not too much trouble. Here is Riley wearing my glasses upside-down.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I've been one poor correspondent,

I've been too, too hard to find.
But it doesn't mean you ain't been on my mind.

It sounded lame when America sang it in nineteen-whateveritwas, and it sounds lame now. But so be it.

So what happened? Well, Riley got out of school, and lots of fun summer things started happening. We went to Iowa over the fourth of July for a family reunion to celebrate my grandmother's 100th birthday. We had family visiting here from Iowa and Richmond and Charlottsville and Washington. The kids had lots of various "camps" and such.

Oh, and I got a full-time job, for the first time since becoming a mother. It is the end of an era for the whole family.

So anyway, good and bad, life gets in the way of blogging. My plan is to write more frequently - maybe shorter, less picture-filled posts. Little how-are-you-doing sort of posts. Because I have lots of news to share, but less and less time to share it.

Is anyone still out there listening?

Hello, again.