Blogging advice from ... Mark Twain? Trying to follow a chronological calendar, he wrote, "starts you at the cradle and drives you straight for the grave, with no side excursions permitted." Rather, "Start at no particular time of your life; wander at your free will all over your life; talk only about the thing that interests you for the moment; drop it at the moment its interest starts to pale."
Friday, December 12, 2008
A Big Day
Friday, December 05, 2008
Are you getting sick of this yet?
I went over to check on the progress yesterday - Wilson Custis and crew were working on the driveway and grading in front:
Here is the parking area on the side - just sand so far, but there will be crush-and-run (?) (gravel):
And if you look closely, you can see that the siding is done on the dormers, too. They just need to clean up all of that trash!
Getting very close to done! We should have the CO by the end of next week!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thanksgiving, house update
All for now - busy busy. Aren't we all?
Monday, November 24, 2008
Forgive the goofy mirror-self-portraits, but I wanted to show it to you "on":
I am very happy with how this turned out. It is superwash wool, so it will be easy to care for, and I plan to wear it a lot. Especially since it is the only wool sweater I can get my hands on right now, and it is ccccccold out there! Here is the creek this morning:
OK, OK, I know, it is below freezing and my child is outside in bare feet. But, in my defense, have you met this kid? I am lucky he was wearing pants!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
As Promised
and back steps:
This is some Lorna's Shepherd Wool top I got in Williamsburg on a recent trip. The color name is Tuscany.
The color is more accurate in the first photo. My goal is to spin finely enough and evenly enough to make a three-ply, sock weight yarn. I am not sure if the singles are coming out fine enough, but they sure are pretty on the bobbin!
Check y'all back later!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Race Day
Here are some of the boys hanging out in the car. See how pink Riley's face is? Yes, we managed to get a sunburn on the first day of November!
More tailgating:
And then, every once in a while, a little of this:
One more:
And a parting shot:
Next post: house update!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
An Example
That was a wad of dirt that he bashed on his head, saying "That's the tatoo part." What that means, your guess is as good as mine.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Oh, I am a bad blogger
I have some film clips of the races, which I will post here at some point, but I wanted to just say another quick hello just to prove I am still here.
I have re-knit and ripped out the sweater AGAIN, as it turned out all wrong AGAIN. While we were in Richmond, I bought an Elizabeth Zimmerman book, which I already own, just so I could get her instructions on how to decrease a yoke. But I set it aside for a bit - I have been knitting the little fingerless mitts for selling at the coffee shop. Did I mention I am selling fingerless mitts at the coffee shop? I think three have sold already, last time I checked. I am going there tomorrow - I'll get a photo of the mitts to show you. (Knit in white wool and dyed with kool-aide) Because I know you want to see them!
More later - I am too tired to make much sense tonight.
Hey, I have some house photos, too - progress has been slow lately, but we have a porch and a heat pump.
Hi, Steve. Comment once in a while, would ya?
Friday, October 31, 2008
A Quick Hello
Sunday, October 26, 2008
House, Schmouse .. What About the Sweater?
I'll give you a Levi update next time. I'll just tell you that I swatted his behind today hard enough to make him cry - and I don't even feel all that bad about it. That one is giving me a run for my money lately! Oy.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Modular Magic
First, a crew started to gather in the field across the road, and then the giant crane arrived about 9:00.
I was able to do a quick walk-around inside after they got the pieces in place. I don't think most of my interior shots were very interesting, but here is a shot of the kitchen. The window over the sink looks out to the back of the property, and there is a "bar" that separates the kitchen from the dining/living rooms:
Here is a view of the roof partially up - the exposed-wood part on the top flips up to become the peak:
Uh, isn't it supposed to have dormers? Maybe they make them on site. Oh, wrong again - here they come!
The crane lifts the dormers into place:
Thursday, October 23, 2008
OK, enough messing around
And here they are pouring concrete into the trench: