Monday, November 17, 2008

As Promised

A house update.

We have steps, and a roof on the porch:

We have a heat pump:

and back steps:

and a ginourmous mud hole in the front yard:

Even when they get the house done, it is going to have to STOP RAINING for awhile before we can get that truck-full-o-stuff anywhere near it! Well, of course, you can see from the front steps (watch out for that first one - it's a doozie!) that we need to get some fill in here. Lots of fill.
That is all well and good, I can hear you thinking, but haven't you been doing any spinning lately? Why, yes!

This is some Lorna's Shepherd Wool top I got in Williamsburg on a recent trip. The color name is Tuscany.

The color is more accurate in the first photo. My goal is to spin finely enough and evenly enough to make a three-ply, sock weight yarn. I am not sure if the singles are coming out fine enough, but they sure are pretty on the bobbin!

Check y'all back later!


Ada said...

That's a fabulous looking place. And some gorgeous roving you have there.

Anonymous said...

The house is looking good! And, for the moment--waterfront property!! The roving IS gorgeous, but your spinning is the most impressive of those photos. You are really getting consistent results, beautiful.
