Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day at home

I had a request from a reader (OK, my sister) to put up some pictures of the house and dock and such, so here we go. Here is the dock, which is the view from the screened porch, on which we spend a great deal of our time here. You can see why:

Across the creek is a golf course, the Eastern Shore Yacht and Country Club. Jeanie and Steve (my in-laws) bought us a 3-month membership there for the summer, so we go over to use the pool pretty often, and to eat in the restaurant occasionally. There are also tennis courts.

Here's the view back at the porch:

And here is what the boys were up to today:

You could call that the before picture, as they got pretty muddy jumping off of the dock and into the mud:

And needed some refreshment:

1 comment:

galvins6pack said...

It is so nice to know we all have a way to stay in touch. Looks like the boys are having a great time over there. We all miss you and think about you all the time. Shannon (from Mops)