Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good Morning

The view from the front porch this morning.

We have had lots of rain lately, occasional snow and freezing temperatures, as well as the odd day that gets up into the 70's. Since this is my first winter here, I don't know if this is unusual or if the winter weather always bounces around this much. But this morning, the sun is breaking through the fog, and it is predicted to get into the 60's. I have some already-sprouting tulip bulbs I bought half-price, and a couple of packages of ranunculus tubers (or are they bulbs, too? Odd looking things, anyway.) Also some poppy seeds given to me by a friend back in WA, with a reminder to "bloom where you're planted." So this morning, Levi and I are going to dig in the mud a bit, before it starts raining again, and hope for some blooms soon.
Beale enjoying the view.

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