Sunday, October 26, 2008

House, Schmouse .. What About the Sweater?

Oh, I know what you are all thinking. Why is she posting all of this boring stuff about house construction and not telling us anything about her knitting? Sorry I have been remiss. I am sort of, but not really, done with the sweater. Here is its' current state:

One underarm has been finished, and I am in the middle of finishing the other. The problem is with the neckline - I have the decreases happening much too severely in the middle of the plain blue section - see all of the gathering that is happening at the top? I am going to rip it out to that first big decrease round, and try again. I am not really following the pattern as written, except for the color patterning, and I don't have any of my books with me to look up the proper way to decrease a yoke, so I was kind of faking it, and it didn't work out so well. Some of you non-knitters will be horrified at the idea of unravelling and re-knitting, but it will be a very ill-fitting sweater if I leave it as it is. Don't worry, it won't take long, and it will look much better. The next picture I post, I will be wearing it.

Riley Update

He and I had a date night tonight! As a reward for reading eight books in the month of October (and filling out the form and turning it in to the teacher) he got a coupon for a personal pan pizza at Pizza Hut - so he and I went out for pizza. Levi had fallen asleep around 5pm, and Steve didn't feel like going out anyway, so it was just the two of us. We had a really nice time - he is getting to be such a big kid, which is especially noticeable when the wild little brother is not around. I told him it was so nice to eat at a restaurant without anyone crawling under the table or licking the salt shaker or shrieking or crying or ... well, you know. And Riley agreed.

I'll give you a Levi update next time. I'll just tell you that I swatted his behind today hard enough to make him cry - and I don't even feel all that bad about it. That one is giving me a run for my money lately! Oy.


Anonymous said...

What I would like to know is: what the heck would you know about assembling a dollhouse on xmas eve???

Yep, the neck of that sweater looks pretty scary to me, non-knitter that I am!!

And also--oh, yes, the joys of going out with just one kid, especially when it's the big one!! Makes you remember why you liked him in the first place...
see you soon!

Anonymous said...

PS why am I the only one who leaves comments anyway???

Tracy Sadtler said...

Good question! I feel like a begger asking for more comments - maybe I should start making some more outrageous or radical statements, see if I could start something.