Sunday, March 22, 2009

And then there was me

One thing I notice as I read various blogs - the bloggers rarely put up photos of themselves. We all think that we look bad, I guess.

Anyway, Riley grabs my camera once in a while and takes dozens of pictures all around the room - most of which I delete. But pictures that show recognizable people (and occasionally, dogs) I keep. Here is what I look like to my children, apparently:


Here's another, blurry, but I think kind of a good picture of me. I am getting jowly like my mother and grandmother.

(I hope my mother and grandmother don't mind me saying that!)

It is what Steve calls my upside-down smile - that turns down rather than up. It counts as a smile anyway, in my book.

News on the home front - Riley has ANOTHER ear infection! He was home from school on Friday as we took him to the doctor and pharmacy for more antibiotics. He managed to rally by Friday night, though, as it was "Boys' Night Out" at school. All of the boys were invited to come to the school from 6:30 - 8:00, they had karate and wrestling and basketball, as well as sandwiches and other snacks. Riley loved it. There were only a couple of other boys from his class there, but I guess that was enough. And I got to sit around for an hour and a half and knit on a sock for Steve. Levi and Steve had a little one-on-one time. A good time was had by all.

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