Friday, May 29, 2009

MD Sheep and Wool

So, Tara and I drove up to Maryland on Saturday evening and stayed at her father's house there. (Tara's Dad, if you are reading, which I suppose you are not, thank you so much for your hospitality!) We got up fairly early on Sunday to drive over to West Friendship - and we kept trying to be positive about the weather we were encountering, but ...

It was a very wet affair. See the river of muddy water running up the left side of the picture? It was like that all day - at times it sprinkled, and at times it poured, but it never stopped. Dedicated fiber lovers that we are, we had a great time anyway. We ducked under the sheets of visqueen (does anyone outside of Alaska call it visqueen? I don't even know) to get to all of the lovely fiber - and it was lovely. And there was lots of it.

We happened to catch the sheep-to-shawl contest just as this piece was being cut from the loom:

and whisked off to the stage area:

where they were tying off the fringe just as fast as they could, to get their project to the judges first - or at least, quickly!

Here is another team, still working on their weaving:

Anyway, my feet ended up soaked and dirty and cold, but it was a day filled with spinning wheels and looms and fibers and fiber-bearing animals and a good friend plus crowds of other people all interested in the same oddball stuff that I am interested in - so a great day.

And that was not all! When we were done with MD S&W, it was off to see Tara's alpacas!

Next post!

Yay, I finally updated my blog!

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