Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Oh, Hanna, we hardly knew you

Well, the big storm turned out to be not so big, just wind and rain for a day or so, not even any thunder and lightning. There was a high tide around 5:00 PM on Saturday, which was very high with all of the rain, but nothing damaging or anything. By the afternoon, the boys and Steve were swimming off the dock. I apologize for the sidewaysness of the videos, I didn't realize that there would be no way to turn them around! Blog and learn.

Here is a shot of the dock - I don't know if you can tell, but the floating part is higher than the rest of it, because the tide is so high. It got even higher later, and most of our neighbors' docks were underwater.

So other than a high tide, it was just a little disappointing, and now Ike is headed to the gulf, so I guess it is back to our normal weather pattern for awhile. Hopefully that means that we will have decent weather for the Harborfest and Duck Race.

House news: papers are being signed, we have a notary standing by, no news is good news, at least for another week or so.

Other house news: permits for well and septic have been obtained, placement of said infrastructure has been chosen, next week may bring some more real progress on that project.

Knitting news: I know you are all dying to know how much progress I have made on my sweater, aren't you? Oh, you forgot all about it? Well, I will take a picture for the next post, so check back.

All for now!


Anonymous said...

Hey Gus, LOVE the videos!! Funny you did them sideways, I did the same thing on my camera, why doesn't someone figure that out for us?? You sure have some great weather there, cool and rainy here, are you surprised? Post more vids, I want to hear the boys talk!!

Anonymous said...

PS I don't get the "Hanna" thing...

Tracy Sadtler said...

Hanna, for those of you NOT continually bombarded with American television news coverage, was the name of the tropical storm that blew over us last week.