Friday, September 26, 2008

Weave My Way

So long since I have posted ... so much to tell you.
Let's start with the knitting.

I have stalled out on the sweater project, as I ran out of the tan color. I made both the sleeves and the body longer than the pattern stated, so it is no surprise. But, while I wait for one more ball of yarn to show up from KnitPicks, I had to start another project to tide me over, right? And surprisingly, I couldn't come up with a knitting project that was inspiring me, so I got out the loom and made this:

(Tree McGee, you might recognize the yarn, leftover from your Christmas present last year!)

Weaving is sssoooooo much faster than knitting. I made this stole, about 20"x60", in three days without too much effort. Of course, I was too absorbed in what I was doing to get any pictures of it on the loom. By the time I thought to get out the camera, I was done with that part! But it is lovely and soft and my new favorite.

Riley Update

No surprise, he came home from his first week at school with a chest cold. The whole second week, he was coughing and such, but not so bad that he couldn't go to school. Last Sunday night, he was up all night coughing, so we kept him home on Monday - not that it did any good! The child REFUSES to nap, no matter what, but I can sometimes trick him into falling asleep in the car. I sent him back to school on Tuesday - shouldn't have - the nurse called me a couple of hours later and said he was in her office with a slight fever, so I picked him up. Kept him home one more day on Wednesday, for good measure. By Thursday I was getting sick of him, I mean, he was feeling better, so off to school he went and stayed there this time. He is not over this cough, but seems to be feeling much more himself today.

Levi Update

I wanted to take a picture of him. He wanted me to take a picture of his bacon.

Levi has this cold, too, but not nearly as bad. I think this is because he has been eating my zinc, echinacea and vitamin c lozenges as often as I will let him. I have been having them, too and I have not been sick at all yet KNOCK ON WOOD.

Not much news on Levi, except that he has the knitting group completely fooled. He goes with me, of course (10-12 on Thursdays, at the Bear and Cub, if you are in the area! Oh, my minions of readers!) They keep saying things like - He is so well-behaved! He is so smart! He is so quiet! It is very hard for me to keep my mouth shut and just say thank you. Actually, when it is just the two of us hanging out, he is pretty good. And I would never argue that he is not smart - he can count up to 13 or so, and recognizes lots of letters. He can type his name out on a keyboard. Pretty good for one who has not even been to preschool yet! There are advantages to being the second-born.

WA House Update


It closed yesterday, checks are going out today, including one to us for a really sad, small sum. I hear the buyers have keys and will be moving in today or tomorrow. They are very happy. The sellers are happy, too. Sort of. As I have said, it is way better than foreclosing.

VA House Update

We have a well.

I went over to the builder's office today to pick out colors - countertops, carpet, exterior paint, etc. Fun, but scary, too. They are ready to order the house - we just need to come up with another mortgage! And the whole country is in mortgage-freakout mode! I sent all of our financial information to the local banker, and haven't heard anything back from him for a week. He's probably under heavy sedation until this blows over. But anyway, assuming Steve Sr. will still put up the cash to get the project started, they are ready to order the house on Monday (tell the builders to start building it.) Meanwhile, they build the foundation, and in three or four weeks, the house arrives. (!) And three or four weeks after that, it is ready to move in!

Box Tops Update

There is a contest to see which class can turn in the most Box Tops by October 24th - pizza party for the winners! So if you have some, send them along by then, so we can turn them in. Thanks!

Phew! So, is that enough for one post? Perhaps we should do this more often, eh?

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