Friday, September 05, 2008

Batten down the hatches!

There's a storm a-comin'. We have all of the watercraft out of the water and secured, as well as all lawn furniture and such. People are hauling cases of bottled water out of the grocery store at a tremendous clip. The weather has just started to turn this afternoon, clouded over and started to get just a tiny bit windy. The Harborfest celebration in Onancock that was supposed to happen today and tomorrow has been postponed for a couple of weeks. One big part of Harborfest is the Duck Race (one of those things where you "sponsor" a yellow rubber duck, and they dump them in the water to see whose crossed the finish line first). It is Hospice's largest fundraiser of the year, so Steve has been helping to reschedule and reorganize everything. We'll see what happens!

In other news, I think we may have actually sold our house! Can I get a woot-woot? A couple who has been wanting to buy our house for months finally got their finances together to a point where they could offer us a lease-to-buy contract, which we were not thrilled with but were probably going to accept, and not 12 hours later, we received an actual offer (from someone else, obviously) to buy! The original offer was a little under our break-even point, so we counter-offered back up to just above the break-even point, and we have a verbal OK that they are going to accept it! This second couple (hereafter to be referred to as "The Buyers") are in a big hurry to close - they are using a program called Nehemiah to cover their down payment, and I guess it expires at the end of the month, so they need to close by then. They have even waived their right to an inspection! All they want us to do is have the furnace serviced, which is already scheduled. While I am not exactly jumping up and down at the prospect of selling a house I really loved for no profit, it will be a big financial relief for us (better than foreclosing!) and another big step toward getting our life here in Virginia sorted out.

Riley has (almost) completed his first week of school, and is still having a great time. School was 2 hours late this morning because ... was the hurricane here early? No. It was foggy. It seemed kind of funny to me, with this big storm coming, but I suppose you can't have the kids standing around next to the roadways in the fog.

I'll let you know how the storm goes, at least while I have electricity. We lose power at almost every thunderstorm, so I can't imagine we will get through this weekend without the electricity going out for awhile at least. Hope all is well with all of you. Hey, comment once in a while, would ya?

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