Friday, September 12, 2008

Box Tops for Education!

Riley's school is collecting these box top coupons - and so now you are, too!

I don't quite understand how or why this works, but for each of these we turn in, the school gets ten cents. I thought they were just on cereal, but as I look on the website, there are tons of different products that have them, with brands like Ziplock, Cottenelle, Yoplait, Pilsbury, Hefty, etc. So look through your cupboards, I bet you can find a bunch of these.

So start collecting these and don't stop, I'm sure we will be turning these in for years to come.

And what is Levi up to? Well, one of the houses on our street has some cactus growing out front, and Levi has become fond of these plants, to the point that he is disappointed when they are not on "his side" of the car as we drive by. And you know how a three-year-old can get when he is disappointed. One of the grocery stores we go to also has some cactus, and we always have to stop and admire them when we go there. He expressed interest in the cactus plants at the coffee shop where I meet with the knitting group (did I mention that I have been going to a knitting group?) and the proprietor gave him cuttings off of two of her plants. Levi could not be more thrilled. Does this sound to you like an odd thing for a three-year-old to be thrilled about? Well, I guess we named him after the right side of the family.

And, yes, those are some giant boxer shorts sticking out of the bottom of his shorts. I still can't find any in his size!

Did you think I was going to forget to add a picture of my knitting? Not likely. I have finished the sleeves, and started on the body of the sweater. The pattern was not written in the round, but I just couldn't see doing all of that lovely fair isle back and forth. I am using this project to finally (after 20 years of knitting!) learn to hold the yarn with one color in each hand, the proper way.

Another thing I have never done in knitting is a steek. This is where, for instance, you knit a sweater in the round with a few extra stitches in the front, and when you are finished knitting you (have a strong drink to steady your hand and then) cut the knitting up the front to make it a cardigan. Yipes! I have just never worked up the nerve. But I think that may have to be my next project, because I feel the need to challenge myself, and break out of my comfortable knitting rut.

All for now!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hey, Gus, BEAUTIFUL knitting, it is like magic, I don't even know what you are talking about!! LOVE those boxer shorts, I will have a look around here for something smaller, or next time I am in France, the grocery stores there sell great undies for the whole family!! (well, not me, of course!!)
Yes, I think the cactus thing definitely comes from our side of the family.
How exciting, you have had two comments deleted, what happened there??
Speaking of not getting news coverage, can someone please explain this Sara Palin person?? From this side of the water she comes across as a fairy tale villainess, like Cruella or that Snow White apple witch chick. SCARY. ANd don't evn think about deleting any of MY comments!!
Happy collecting, I think I am free from that one....