Thursday, December 04, 2008

Thanksgiving, house update

Do I look kind of sweaty and as pink as my shirt? Well, it's always a bit of a rush at the last minute getting Thanksgiving dinner ready, isn't it? We had the Ben Sadtler's and the Sr.'s here for the holiday, so a full house and lots of fun. Sorry I only have pictures of myself - I guess I was too busy in the kitchen to take pictures! Jeanie put me totally in charge of the feast, which was fine by me, actually. I was able to make all of my favorites!

The only hitch in the whole thing was that I had too much to drink the night before, and woke up with a wicked hangover just when I had to get up early and cook Thanksgiving dinner for 11 people! I got up at my regular time - around 7 - and I thought I was going to be ok, but when I opened the fridge to get the kids their "chocky milk" I saw and smelled the food in there and just about threw up right on the spot. I went back to bed for another hour and a half, and finally had to get moving to get the turkey in the oven at a decent time. I was a little shaky at first, but it got better from there and we had a great meal. I did a turkey with our fab cornbread stuffing (yes, I had my recipe book with me!), instant mashed potatoes (I'm not a masochist), a yummy green bean dish with ham and onions and cream and tarragon, cranberry relish with horseradish, and that pink "fruit salad" with cherry pie filling and marshmallows and cool whip - mmmmmmmm. Steph made a casserole with yellow squash (very good). Jeanie contributed dinner rolls and pies (apple, pumpkin, and peach). A fine feast.
Lots of action on the house this week - we have a driveway (almost, they are still working on it today) and some more siding and finishing touches on the porch. Oh, and over the weekend we painted the cinder blocks. They are working on the flooring, too, but I don't have any pictures of that yet:

All for now - busy busy. Aren't we all?

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