Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Levi's head

Oh, and did you notice Levi's new buzz cut? There is a bit of a story there. It ends with the line: "... and Levi is not allowed to have any more gum for a month." I did not get a picture of the gum in his hair (bad blogger!) because I was concerned that it would only get worse in the time it would have taken me to find the camera. Anyway, it was a messy problem well solved, as he is so darn cute with a fresh buzz cut.

And, now that we can see the roots, we notice that he has a quarter-sized spot of brown hair on one side. Odd, eh?

(Sorry for the crummy picture, it was the best I could do!)

Hey, anyone want to see my knitting?

Just a couple of small items, on lovely KnitPicks Harmony DPN's.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tracy...You are SOOO cool! I think you may be the coolest sister-in-law ever! Sorry Amber :)
Anyway, take care...I can't wait to see more!
Sister Steph