Sunday, August 03, 2008

Riley's Golf Lessons

Riley has been taking golf lessons on Saturday mornings at this beautiful place on the seaside, just 15 minutes or so from "home". (More on why that is in quotations later.)

The program is run by the YMCA and is free. He is doing very well - by that I mean that he is enjoying it a lot, and is very enthusiastic about going. I don't follow the class around the course, so I don't know if his swing is improving at all, but at 5 years of age, that is hardly the point.

The best part (for me, that is) is that I get to sit on the porch of this beautiful clubhouse, the former home of the family who donated the property for the golf course, for the hour that Riley plays golf, and gaze out at this view:

...their amazing double outdoor fireplaces, and the sea beyond. And of course, I knit. My carry-around knitting lately has been cotton washcloths, since it is so blistering hot here I can't stand to touch wool unless I am right next to the air conditioner! Oh, it is a sad, sad thing. I do believe it gets cold here at least part of the year, and I am looking forward to that.

Anyway, if you are reading this, it means I managed to publish some photos to my blog! I am getting cooler by the minute.


Curt Alexander said...

Neat picture of Riley!! Keep up the pictures. We will watch your blog.

Linda Alexander said...

After sending recipies to you I have ruined a batch of cookies I was making for the hikers (left out a half cup of the flour). I guess they will have to eat flat disks. Keep the photos coming.